The Cross-Training Dream (A Runner’s Diary)

This week was filled with very little running, but a lot of cross-training. I’m pleased to announce that my leg discomfort has been minimal this week, and I haven’t felt this solid since the end of November!


Day 1: My friend Miriam and I (she has a great blog by the way, I encourage you all to check it out Future Nurse Miriam) went to a free (donations only) yoga class held by Sun & Moon Yoga Studio in Fairfax, VA today! It was a pretty standard Hatha Yoga class (my personal favorite), and the studio sponors these donations-only classes every month to support a local charity! It’s a win-win!

Day 2: My boyfriend, Dave and I tried Laughter Yoga today! It was a really goofy experience that had us feeling pretty positive afterwards. I wouldn’t say it’s a very active exercise, but it certainly puts you in a good mood. Laughter Yoga has been recommended for those suffering from anxiety, depression, and stress. We focused a lot on different types of laughter, and the key to any Laughter Yoga class is to act like a toddler. If you prefer a quieter type of yoga, LY is probably not for you. However, if you are looking to try something new and different, you should certainly go for it! It’s a little awkward at first, but you’ll be smiling the entire time (even if you don’t want to).

Day 3: I fit in a quick half mile today before coaching lacrosse. I’m already noticing that I will not have a lot of time to go running, due to my busy schedule. I am stressing out a little bit, because I know firsthand that if you don’t put in the hours to train properly for a big race, you become more prone to injuries, and that’s the last thing that I need right now. I work from 7:30am-3:30pm, I stay after 4 days a week until 5pm to tutor, I coach youth basketball from 4:30-6:30pm on Mondays and Thursdays, I coach youth lacrosse every Wednesday (5-6:30pm) and Saturday (9-10:30am), and I coach high school lacrosse every day from 7-9pm. Luckily, basketball ends in a couple weeks, but for now, I’m having trouble fitting in time to half marathon train.

Day 4: I tried out Hot Yoga for the first time today at the Pure Om Hot Yoga Studio in Fairfax, VA! It was quite the experience! It felt like I was going to die, but by the end, I felt like I had been reborn. If you are thinking about giving Hot yoga a try, I encourage you to go for it! (Side Tips: Make sure you are properly hydrated before your hot yoga class, and don’t over drink your water during class. If you’re a newbie, take the poses slowly, even if you can do them. Doing them in such extreme temperatures can cause you to feel nauseous or dizzy, especially if you aren’t used to the heat. There were plenty of poses I could do in room temperature, but when I strained myself to do them in the hot yoga class, I thought I was going to throw up. Take it at your own pace, and feel free to sit down and relax when you’re feeling light headed. The class always ends with a nice cool towel, and when the cold air finally hits you…WOW)! My instructor and fellow classmates were all very proud of me for sticking it out for the whole class, and not leaving early (which apparently is very common for newbies). I am looking forward to subjecting myself to this new form of torture exercise again next week!

Day 5: I hopped in with my 8th grade students today during their PE class, and played basketball with them! It was a lot of fun, and everybody (myself included) were pretty exhausted afterwards. I’m 5’2”, and my 8th graders tower over me, so I felt that even though I’m an “adult”, we were all pretty evenly matched. I’ve also been noticing some knee paid (seriously, what is happening to me?) that has been going on. I think it’s from not properly building up my leg muscles, while simultaneously putting some serious stress on them. I will have to start wearing my patella strap while I work out until the pain subsides.

After work I got a deep tissue massage and peppermint foot scrub at Natural Healing Massage Services in Alexandria, VA. It was the best massage, and I haven’t felt any leg discomfort since. Could it be because of the massage? The yoga? THE MEDS? Who knows, but whatever I’m doing, I better keep it up!

Day 6: Today I went skiing at Liberty Mountain Resort in Pennsylvania with a couple of friends! It was a lot of fun, and every time I go skiing, I get better and better. I wish skiing wasn’t so expensive, but nonetheless, I try to get out there 1-2x a month during the winter. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, YOU’RE NEVER TOO OLD TO TRY SOMETHING NEW! I’m 25 and I took up skiing a year ago. Am I a pro? Not even close. Am I learning something new and having an absolute blast? You better believe it!

My new favorite activity! Here I am in Michigan, skiing for the first time in a year.


Day 7: I played pick-up basketball at a local church where “young adults” meet up once a week and socialize and play sports. My neighbor Lizzie brought me last week, but this week I made the trip by myself. I’m a lot less rusty than I was last week, and I even scored a few points (validating short people everywhere).

Next week’s goals: It’s time to get back on track for running. I really need to focus on finding time for myself to get to the gym, strength train, and put in the necessary mileage to preapre myself for NASHVILLE.

I love how I am finally getting back into an active lifestyle. All my life, I’ve always been really into sports, working out, and pushing myself to new physical limits. I do need to keep in mind though that with age (even though I’m only in my 20’s) I still need to be cautious and mindful when working out. That means remembering to stretch, staying hydrated, and making sure I wear the proper equipment whenever I’m exercising (helmets for skiing, patella straps when weight lifitng, proper shoes when running, etc). If I can continue to work hard, and stay on schedule with my running, I WILL be ready for Nashville! Until next week…..






Find Out Who Your Friends Are

“In life, we never lose friends. We just find out who the true ones are”

Friendship is an important component to being happy in your 20’s. We spend most of our adolescent years acrewing mass amounts of friends, as we try to find our place in society. It helps us to discover who we are as we feed off the personalities and perspectives of the people we surround ourselves with. These shared experiences teach us, and help define the kind of people we eventually become. Thusly, it’s only natural that as we enter our 20’s, we begin to narrow that once considerable sized group of friends, to something more defined, and substantial.

I’ve been good friends with these girls since middle school


Life brings us closer and farther away from people as time passes. It’s perfectly normal that some friendships dissolve as you develop new interests, and mature. We outgrow friends, and friends outgrow us. This doesn’t mean that we should cast old friends aside, or ignore them. The memories and experiences created with a person are not (and should not) be lessened simply because you’ve changed as a person.

It is however important, to rid yourself of the toxic people in your life. There is nothing to be gained by maintaining frienships with people that don’t care about your well-being, or are unable to celebrate in your successes. Regardless of the years you’ve known somebody, time shouldn’t be a justification for keeping people in you life. Ask yourself, if I were to meet this person today, would we be friends? And if the answer is no, that’s okay. As we creep closer to adulthood, it’s crucial to surround ourselves with the kind of people that reflect the positive characteristics we deem important to us.

On the other hand, if somebody wants to rid you from their life, let them. I know from firsthand experience, the sadness that comes with being rejected as a friend. It hurts to think that your worth isn’t much to somebody else. However, I’ve also experienced the beauty and euphoria in life that becomes evident when those people no longer play a part in your happiness. I can truly say that the people that have left my life have done me a great service. I am only surrounded by appreciative, kind-hearted, and compassionate people, and I’ve never been happier (So thank you). It’s cliche, but life is short, and there’s not enough time to waste on people that have nothing constructive to add to your life.

*I was able to reflect on these thoughts over the past couple of months after removing a few friends from my life. Was it difficult? Very much so. Was it necessary? Absolutely.  It’s not to say that I don’t like them as people (which I can’t really say I do either), and I wish them no harm, I refuse to talk poorly about them, and I harbor no anger. I just no longer want these people as a part of my life in the intimate capacity that comes with friendship. I have no issues being pleasant and social with them when I see them around; but as for sharing a part of my life with them outside or work, or group gatherings (where I’m forced to see them), etc…..I’d rather not.



*Contains edits from a previous post*

The First Obstacle (A Runner’s Diary)

My journey to Nashville, and my 3rd half-marathon continues! This week was filled with some ups and downs, but I’m determined to keep on track!

Runner’s Diary

Day 1: This past weekend was Homecoming at my college, so all my out of town alum friends came back into the area, and we had a weekend filled of tailgating, and not so healthy eating. However, as soon as everybody left, I headed straight to the gym!

I did arms and abs, and was able to successfully complete both circuits twice! That Bikini Workout Program is NO JOKE. I also ran 2 miles! I know it’s not a lot, but I’m trying to build back up to 4-miles for my long run next week!

Day 2: Hit the gym again, accompanied by my wonderful neighbor, Lizzie! I’ve been having some hip discomfort since December, so I have started adding some hip friendly exercies into my gym routine. I will attempt to do these exercises 2-3x a week. After my hip exercises, I biked for about 25 minutes.

While training for a half-marathon, it’s important to do cross-training as well. That’s when you exercise in ways other than just running. I like to incorporate all sorts of activities into my routine! Biking, swimming, yoga, lifting, etc. 

In the evening, one of my best friends, Mikey went with me to a Hatha Yoga class! It was incredibly relaxing, and my hip also felt better.

Day 3: I saw my doctor about my hip, and she sent me in to get X-rays. It’s been feeling sore, and I think it’s because of the cold weather, and the fact that I’ve been so inactive until recently.

So, today I rested.

Day 4: I got my X-ray results back today. Apparently I have early on-set arthritis. As an athletic and active 25 year-old, this news was fairly shocking to me. I’m not really sure what to do, or how to think. I feel like I’m broken, and fragile, and now that mentality has put me in a slump.

So I took another rest day to wallow in self-pity. I know it could be worse, but I still needed time to just be sad. Whenever I get bad news, I give myself a couple hours to think, and have my feelings. I cried to my boyfriend, Dave, and my Mom. I texted my mentor who has rheumatoid arthritis (which I thankfully don’t have), and I spoke with my close friend, Miriam, who is in nursing school, who advised me to get a 2nd opinion. I just have a lot to think about. All I know is that I have some research to do. Does anybody have any tips they can share about how to deal with arthritis, and still remain heavily active? I’ve been told by my doctor that I can still half-marathon train, and that it’s encouraged to work out, as long as it doesn’t hurt.I think what scares me most though is, “what if low-impact exercising begins to hurt? Will I have to stop working out all together?”

*There will be more about this in a later post*

Day 5: I signed up for Bikram Yoga through a really awesome Living Social deal. I am taking 10 classes, and my mom bought me a heated blanket. Yoga is about to become a big part of my work-out routine, and I’m excited to add it to my training plan.I think everybody should invest in a yoga mat!

Yoga Mats, blankets, and blocks are the way to go!


Target has yoga mats as low as $9.89 right now! You never know when you might decide to give yoga a try! You may just fall in love with it like I did!


Day 6:  Wallowing in self-pity is OVER!!!!!

I was able to sneak to the gym today before I had to go baby-sit. I ran 3 miles, and did my hip work outs! I’m feeling very good about myself, and what my body is capable of!

Dave and I are also going to try “Laughter Yoga” this weekend, so I can’t wait to update you all about what that entails next week!

Next Week’s Goals: Attempt to schedule in yoga classes 2-3x a week, and learn to adjust my diet.


6 Signs You Look Super Young For Your Age

The never ending battle. Middle schoolers try to fight it by dressing years beyond their age, high schoolers attempt to defy it by amaturely caking on as much make up as possible, and eventually by college you just let it consume you. But for us 20-somethings, who are trying to make it as adults in a professional world, it’s just a pain in the ass…

old baby

Now everybody in their 20’s looks generally young for their age. It’s a great time frame where you, “could be 19, could be 29“, and everybody is on some-what of an even playing field. However, this pertains to the truly young looking. Not the “Oh I thought you were 21″…I’m talking the, “Oh, I thought you were 15”. I present to you:


6 Signs You Look Super Young For Your Age:

#1 Oh, What grade are you in?

Most young looking 20 somethings will usually hear, “Oh what school do you attend?” As in college. As in, the person speaking to you thinks you’re of legal age. You may be 28, but hell, you look 21. What a wonderful feeling! How can I whine about something like that?! Because… for us super young looking 20 somethings, the key word is grade. As in, 1st-12th grade. The question isn’t flattering by any means…for god’s sake their question implies that we still ride a bus to school every morning!

#2 How can you blame people for thinking you’re young? Look how you dress.

*Insert slow blink* So even though I am walking out of Total Wine with my arms full of alcohol, heading towards my car that I drive, with the bumper sticker (insert college) alumni, I COULDN’T POSSIBLY BE AN ADULT, because LOOK…I have on Nike shorts, and a T-shirt! Note to self: Make sure to do all your errands in professional business-like attire always. That way, there will never be any confusion!

#3 Is there an adult around?

Bitch, I am the adult. I got years of college debt, a credit card statement, and a drinking problem to prove it. What do you need? (This mistake can only be made worse when you are around a group of children or teens. Do…do…do you really think I’m one of them!?!?)

#4 You are so cute

Man or Woman, I don’t care. WE ARE ADULTS! We don’t want to be called cute past the age of 16 years old (I’m actually pretty sure most guys don’t ever want to be called cute). There are other adjectives out there! Pick up a damn thesaurus!

#5 The bouncer who spends a littleeee too much time on your ID.

Yes, I know, crazy isn’t it? Yes, I have a 2nd form of ID. *insert some joke from the bouncer about going out on a school night* Good one sir! I’ve never heard that one before *fake laughs* ENOUGH! JUST LET ME IN THE DAMN BAR!

#6 You’ll be so grateful to look so young when you’re in your 40’s, so quit complaining.

 If I have to listen to you in your 40’s complain about how old you look, then you have to listen to me complaining about how young I look in my 20’s. It’s a fair deal.


I could go on and on! As a teacher, I constantly get confused for one of my students…and I work at a Catholic school…where my students wear uniforms. So, to all my super young looking friends out there, I know it sucks, we didn’t ask for this! But what can we do? It’s out of our control…Just know that there are others that share your pain!

Let the countdown to age 40 begin…..


An Open Letter to My Friend with Anxiety/Depression

Dear Friend with Anxiety/Depression,

As you know, I do not have Anxiety or Depression. I don’t fully understand what it’s like to constantly alternate between feeling stuck in the past and worrying about the future.

I have had my fair share of stress and anxiety, but not to the point that it consumes my everyday life. I am a naturally energetic and happy person (Thank you ADHD), and I rarely allow negative experiences to bring me down. I get “the blues” every now and then, but not to the extent that you experience them. The following is a list of apologies, thank-yous, and a few words that I think you should hear.



I’m Sorry:

-That I get frustrated with you. It’s hard for me to understand you sometimes, because I don’t feel the way you do. But then I think, if it’s this frustrating for me, imagine how frustrating it must be for you.

-That I sometimes ignore your calls and texts. I want to be there for you, but sometimes it can be very stressful. I know it’s not your fault, and that you are worried about bothering me. I will never tell you that you annoy me, because you don’t; but I will take a step back if I am feeling overwhelmed.

-That I can be insensitive at times. What I view as tough love can often be seen as insensitivity. I am not a coddler, and I never have been. There are days that I will respect your choice to just lay in bed, because I know that you need that time to yourself. THEN there are the days that I will come over, rip the covers off, and demand that we go do something productive. Please know that it’s not out of anger. I really do care about your happiness and your health.

Thank You:

-For teaching me patience. There have been times in our friendship where I would say uncaring things because I would get impatient with you. Or I would get angry about you canceling plans, or annoyed because I felt like it was always the same complaints and excuses. But over time I learned more about what you are going through, and I developed patience.

-For reassuring me that I am helping you. I often feel like when I am calming you down that my advice goes in one ear, and out the other. When you tell me that I am helping, it lets me know what works, and what doesn’t.  I want to help, I really do. Please continue to let me know when I am helping, and when I am hurting, so I can keep that in my mind for future reference.

-For being there for me. Our friendship is in no way a one-way friendship. I have bad days too, and when I call you in tears, or I’m freaking out about something you are right there to calm me down. You understand more than anybody else about my anxieties, and you always know exactly what to say to me. Thank you for being such a wonderful soul.

But know this:

-I am always here for you. Maybe not always at the exact moment you need me, but I’ll be there for the devestating days when you are truly struggling.

-I will never stop caring about YOU. I don’t care if it’s the same problem or same fears or worries, I will talk you through it all the same. However, please heed my advice. If you ask for my advice and ignore it, I will feel embittered.

-Don’t ever think that you can “annoy away our frienship”. I will let you know when I need to take a step back. It doesn’t mean that YOU are annoying me, it just means that I too have things I need to focus on, and unless your concerns demand immediate attention, I can’t always address them. I know you understand that, and I know you can’t help but feel the way you do. Just keep reminding yourself that if I didn’t want to be your friend, I would’ve walked away a long time ago. (*knock knock* STILL HERE).

-You deserve to be happy. Don’t think for a second that you don’t deserve happiness and love.

-You have told me that you are used to not being happy and that you have learned to accept it…I want you to know that it breaks my heart. Your validation and worth should come from you and nobody else. NOBODY. Not me, not your parents, not our other friends, and certainly not some boy. It should come from YOU. When you discover the things you love in life, happiness will follow.


 I hope you find your inner light soon. In the meantime, I want you to know that I love you, and that I believe in you.


Your Friend Who is Trying to Understand