Quarter Century Club

As of a couple days ago, I have been officially inducted into the ‘Quarter Century Club’. A club privy to those who have made it to 25 years of age without completly losing it, which is an impressive feat in itself. I have decided to start a fresh new blog in celebration of the occassion (okay okay, I am too lazy to re-vamp the old one, so I am creating a new one. It’s the blog equivalent to buying new underwear when you’re too lazy to do your laundry…that’s your 20’s in a nutshell).

I could go on a normal “20 something -year -old” rant about how my friends are getting engaged, married, and popping out babies like it’s 1946-1964, but it’s been done. I don’t judge their life choices, and I would hope that they wouldn’t judge my child-free, living at home, maiden named lifestyle either. I think there are pros and cons to both situations, and it’s all about how the person chooses to embrace the positives, and overcome the negatives. Instead, I am here to simply state in my opinion that the 20’s are by far the greatest (and worst) years of a person’s life… We are young adults! What does that even mean? It’s like the junior varsity level of adulthood.

“Sorry kid, you didn’t make the cut, maybe next year!”

It’s that awkward little decade where I’m not quite ready for a mortgage, but I shouldn’t be living at home (which by the way I do, and I could lie and say it’s because I don’t want to leave my sweet mother home by herself, but that would be untrue. She has more of a social life than I do)… It’s the point in my life where I’m not quite ready for a husband and a house full of kids, but if I were to unexpectedly find myself staring at the positive end of a pregnancy test, it wouldn’t be the end of the world (But really…I’m not ready).

Your 20’s are not a time where you’re supposed to have your shit together, and if you do, WAY TO GO! We all hate you. But for a majority of us, that’s not the case, and I’m here to tell ya, that’s pefectly okay.

So to sum this first post up, my hope is that I can chronicle my amazing 20’s (both the good and the not so good), and maybe even inspire a few people on the way.


If you have the interest and time, check out my About Me 🙂 my students tell me I’m “the coolest ever”, so ya know, it must be true.


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