7 Reasons Why Teachers Don’t Deserve a Week of Appreciation



As May 2nd kicks off the start of “Teacher Appreciation Week”, I ask myself, “Why?” What do teachers do that employs them an entire week of appreciation? Listed below are 7 Reasons why teachers don’t actually deserve a week of appreciation.


It’s plain and simple. Teachers don’t want to teach. Teachers don’t go into teaching because they want to have a positive impact on the lives of children, or because they believe that every one of their students has the potential to succeed. Teachers are only in it for the incredible pay check, the short hours, and the cute kids who ALWAYS behave. Teaching is a job that anybody can do. It’s not like it’s a job that engulfs your life, your energy, and your patience.  You don’t even have to love children to teach, you just have to be able to tolerate them. It doesn’t matter if you’re qualified either. If you’ve sat in a classroom  of students before, than you can absolutely teach one. It’s EASY!!!!!


As teachers , we spend 8 hours a day with other people’s children. It’s always smooth sailing, every day. Every lesson plan goes perfectly, without disruption. Days when we are being talk-backed to, yelled at, sassed to, and ignored, don’t exist. Teaching is always filled with “ah-ha” moments and smiles. Teachers rarely have to deal with tattle tales, bullies, teenage angst, or stressful chaos. Our students just sit politely while we teach. They never ask us to repeat ourselves, they follow directions perfectly, and they save all their social chit chat for recess. And even if they did misbehave, it’s not like their teachers would still love them. If a student misbehaves, they automatically lose their teacher’s affection. How could a teacher possibly love a child that defies them, or rolls their eyes at them?


Teachers don’t have to be patient at all. It is totally acceptable to yell at a child who is having trouble understanding a concept, no matter how simple or difficult. The best way to motivate children is to snap at them, and say, “how do you seriously not understand this?” It doesn’t matter if teachers spend the day chasing toddlers around a preschool, or listening to the never ending stories of an elementary school child, or arguing endlessly with a middle schooler, or desperately trying to engage a 17 year old high schooler in a subject they couldn’t care less about; the best way to handle that stress? Lose your patience! Throw a tantrum! TURN OVER A DESK AND LIGHT SOMETHING ON FIRE! And if you think I’m only talking about having a lack of patience for the students, HA. The parents with their never ending emails, and “teaching advice” are the perfect targets to release your stress on. Nothing bad will happen if you yell at another adult or offer “parenting advice”. NOTHING.


Again, teachers spend multiple hours a day with their students. It’s not like teacher’s pick up on their behaviors, or observe their likes and dislikes. We don’t care to celebrate the successes of our students, nor do we care to provide support on the days that are extra tough for them. Kids have stress? We don’t care. They’re kids, what do they have to be stressed about? Once our kids are out the door, they’re not our problem anymore! If a student has graduated, or moved on in life, don’t bother updating your old teacher. Trust me, they don’t care. They had to deal with you for a year, JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE. We don’t like bragging about our students either, or talking about our kids to anybody that will listen. Anybody out there who is a friend of a teacher has never heard the sentence, “Funny story, so today in class, my one student…” Mostly because teachers don’t care very much about their kids. It’s not like each day is a new day, or each year is a new year, or that each group of kids is a new set of faces, personalities, learning styles, and attitudes. I’ll tell you one thing that always stays the same…teachers, and their apathy towards their students.


Teachers are scheduled to work 8 hours a day. How awesome is that?! Most teachers are out the door by mid-afternoon, hitting up the local happy hour. When kids go home (or before they arrive to school), teachers stop working completely. They aren’t grading, lesson planning, completing training/certifications, attending faculty meetings, cleaning their rooms, etc. After school activities? No way, teachers don’t offer extra help in tutoring, or running student clubs, or coaching school sports teams. But what about if a  student invites a teacher to their band concert, or their basketball game, or their Shakespeare play??? Do teachers attend these events that are past their hours of pay, and are not mandatory? NO WAY. Teachers don’t want to see their students doing what they love, and they certainly don’t want to support them in their interests,  in and outside the classroom.


So what  if it’s is our job as teachers to engage students, and to help them find their strengths, and to help them love learning? Teachers don’t ever bother researching new methods, or trying to find creative ways to inspire students. Teachers love seeing their students bored, or disinterested. Teachers live for the days when their students are glossy eyed, and distracted. Teachers don’t want their students absorbed in the lesson, or to leave the classroom with questions and ideas. Teachers hope and pray that at least one student will fall asleep during their lesson. When students give up, teachers often have the propensity to do so as well.


Teachers are given materials and subjects to teach, and that’s it. A teacher’s teaching doesn’t extend far beyond the classroom. Teachers have no desire to give their students the tools and know-how to critically think, to question what they don’t know, to explore and learn from life situations, or to grow into good and decent human beings. Teachers are less than willing to take a journey with their students, to help them to prepare and adjust for the next phase in their lives. Teacher’s stick to the book, and if a kid has questions about anything outside of the lesson plan, teachers simply ignore it. They say that from the minute a child walks into a teacher’s classroom, to the minute they leave for the summer, an unexplainable transformation happens…that what a student learns from their teacher over the course of a year is the kind of knowledge that cant be regulated by state testing. Hmm…Sounds like a bunch of bulls**t to me.

If there is anything you can take away from this post, it should be that teachers do very little to garner any appreciation, let alone an entire NATIONAL WEEK dedicated to it. There’s no need to take the time this week to thank a teacher, or visit an old teacher, or to reflect on the things you’ve learned from a teacher. But if you do decide to do any of those things…you might just make your teacher’s day :)

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all the hard-working, over worked, under-paid, under-appreciated, kick ass educators out there! #ProudToBeATeacher


The Cross-Training Dream (A Runner’s Diary)

This week was filled with very little running, but a lot of cross-training. I’m pleased to announce that my leg discomfort has been minimal this week, and I haven’t felt this solid since the end of November!


Day 1: My friend Miriam and I (she has a great blog by the way, I encourage you all to check it out Future Nurse Miriam) went to a free (donations only) yoga class held by Sun & Moon Yoga Studio in Fairfax, VA today! It was a pretty standard Hatha Yoga class (my personal favorite), and the studio sponors these donations-only classes every month to support a local charity! It’s a win-win!

Day 2: My boyfriend, Dave and I tried Laughter Yoga today! It was a really goofy experience that had us feeling pretty positive afterwards. I wouldn’t say it’s a very active exercise, but it certainly puts you in a good mood. Laughter Yoga has been recommended for those suffering from anxiety, depression, and stress. We focused a lot on different types of laughter, and the key to any Laughter Yoga class is to act like a toddler. If you prefer a quieter type of yoga, LY is probably not for you. However, if you are looking to try something new and different, you should certainly go for it! It’s a little awkward at first, but you’ll be smiling the entire time (even if you don’t want to).

Day 3: I fit in a quick half mile today before coaching lacrosse. I’m already noticing that I will not have a lot of time to go running, due to my busy schedule. I am stressing out a little bit, because I know firsthand that if you don’t put in the hours to train properly for a big race, you become more prone to injuries, and that’s the last thing that I need right now. I work from 7:30am-3:30pm, I stay after 4 days a week until 5pm to tutor, I coach youth basketball from 4:30-6:30pm on Mondays and Thursdays, I coach youth lacrosse every Wednesday (5-6:30pm) and Saturday (9-10:30am), and I coach high school lacrosse every day from 7-9pm. Luckily, basketball ends in a couple weeks, but for now, I’m having trouble fitting in time to half marathon train.

Day 4: I tried out Hot Yoga for the first time today at the Pure Om Hot Yoga Studio in Fairfax, VA! It was quite the experience! It felt like I was going to die, but by the end, I felt like I had been reborn. If you are thinking about giving Hot yoga a try, I encourage you to go for it! (Side Tips: Make sure you are properly hydrated before your hot yoga class, and don’t over drink your water during class. If you’re a newbie, take the poses slowly, even if you can do them. Doing them in such extreme temperatures can cause you to feel nauseous or dizzy, especially if you aren’t used to the heat. There were plenty of poses I could do in room temperature, but when I strained myself to do them in the hot yoga class, I thought I was going to throw up. Take it at your own pace, and feel free to sit down and relax when you’re feeling light headed. The class always ends with a nice cool towel, and when the cold air finally hits you…WOW)! My instructor and fellow classmates were all very proud of me for sticking it out for the whole class, and not leaving early (which apparently is very common for newbies). I am looking forward to subjecting myself to this new form of torture exercise again next week!

Day 5: I hopped in with my 8th grade students today during their PE class, and played basketball with them! It was a lot of fun, and everybody (myself included) were pretty exhausted afterwards. I’m 5’2”, and my 8th graders tower over me, so I felt that even though I’m an “adult”, we were all pretty evenly matched. I’ve also been noticing some knee paid (seriously, what is happening to me?) that has been going on. I think it’s from not properly building up my leg muscles, while simultaneously putting some serious stress on them. I will have to start wearing my patella strap while I work out until the pain subsides.

After work I got a deep tissue massage and peppermint foot scrub at Natural Healing Massage Services in Alexandria, VA. It was the best massage, and I haven’t felt any leg discomfort since. Could it be because of the massage? The yoga? THE MEDS? Who knows, but whatever I’m doing, I better keep it up!

Day 6: Today I went skiing at Liberty Mountain Resort in Pennsylvania with a couple of friends! It was a lot of fun, and every time I go skiing, I get better and better. I wish skiing wasn’t so expensive, but nonetheless, I try to get out there 1-2x a month during the winter. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, YOU’RE NEVER TOO OLD TO TRY SOMETHING NEW! I’m 25 and I took up skiing a year ago. Am I a pro? Not even close. Am I learning something new and having an absolute blast? You better believe it!

My new favorite activity! Here I am in Michigan, skiing for the first time in a year.


Day 7: I played pick-up basketball at a local church where “young adults” meet up once a week and socialize and play sports. My neighbor Lizzie brought me last week, but this week I made the trip by myself. I’m a lot less rusty than I was last week, and I even scored a few points (validating short people everywhere).

Next week’s goals: It’s time to get back on track for running. I really need to focus on finding time for myself to get to the gym, strength train, and put in the necessary mileage to preapre myself for NASHVILLE.

I love how I am finally getting back into an active lifestyle. All my life, I’ve always been really into sports, working out, and pushing myself to new physical limits. I do need to keep in mind though that with age (even though I’m only in my 20’s) I still need to be cautious and mindful when working out. That means remembering to stretch, staying hydrated, and making sure I wear the proper equipment whenever I’m exercising (helmets for skiing, patella straps when weight lifitng, proper shoes when running, etc). If I can continue to work hard, and stay on schedule with my running, I WILL be ready for Nashville! Until next week…..






Find Out Who Your Friends Are

“In life, we never lose friends. We just find out who the true ones are”

Friendship is an important component to being happy in your 20’s. We spend most of our adolescent years acrewing mass amounts of friends, as we try to find our place in society. It helps us to discover who we are as we feed off the personalities and perspectives of the people we surround ourselves with. These shared experiences teach us, and help define the kind of people we eventually become. Thusly, it’s only natural that as we enter our 20’s, we begin to narrow that once considerable sized group of friends, to something more defined, and substantial.

I’ve been good friends with these girls since middle school


Life brings us closer and farther away from people as time passes. It’s perfectly normal that some friendships dissolve as you develop new interests, and mature. We outgrow friends, and friends outgrow us. This doesn’t mean that we should cast old friends aside, or ignore them. The memories and experiences created with a person are not (and should not) be lessened simply because you’ve changed as a person.

It is however important, to rid yourself of the toxic people in your life. There is nothing to be gained by maintaining frienships with people that don’t care about your well-being, or are unable to celebrate in your successes. Regardless of the years you’ve known somebody, time shouldn’t be a justification for keeping people in you life. Ask yourself, if I were to meet this person today, would we be friends? And if the answer is no, that’s okay. As we creep closer to adulthood, it’s crucial to surround ourselves with the kind of people that reflect the positive characteristics we deem important to us.

On the other hand, if somebody wants to rid you from their life, let them. I know from firsthand experience, the sadness that comes with being rejected as a friend. It hurts to think that your worth isn’t much to somebody else. However, I’ve also experienced the beauty and euphoria in life that becomes evident when those people no longer play a part in your happiness. I can truly say that the people that have left my life have done me a great service. I am only surrounded by appreciative, kind-hearted, and compassionate people, and I’ve never been happier (So thank you). It’s cliche, but life is short, and there’s not enough time to waste on people that have nothing constructive to add to your life.

*I was able to reflect on these thoughts over the past couple of months after removing a few friends from my life. Was it difficult? Very much so. Was it necessary? Absolutely.  It’s not to say that I don’t like them as people (which I can’t really say I do either), and I wish them no harm, I refuse to talk poorly about them, and I harbor no anger. I just no longer want these people as a part of my life in the intimate capacity that comes with friendship. I have no issues being pleasant and social with them when I see them around; but as for sharing a part of my life with them outside or work, or group gatherings (where I’m forced to see them), etc…..I’d rather not.



*Contains edits from a previous post*

The First Obstacle (A Runner’s Diary)

My journey to Nashville, and my 3rd half-marathon continues! This week was filled with some ups and downs, but I’m determined to keep on track!

Runner’s Diary

Day 1: This past weekend was Homecoming at my college, so all my out of town alum friends came back into the area, and we had a weekend filled of tailgating, and not so healthy eating. However, as soon as everybody left, I headed straight to the gym!

I did arms and abs, and was able to successfully complete both circuits twice! That Bikini Workout Program is NO JOKE. I also ran 2 miles! I know it’s not a lot, but I’m trying to build back up to 4-miles for my long run next week!

Day 2: Hit the gym again, accompanied by my wonderful neighbor, Lizzie! I’ve been having some hip discomfort since December, so I have started adding some hip friendly exercies into my gym routine. I will attempt to do these exercises 2-3x a week. After my hip exercises, I biked for about 25 minutes.

While training for a half-marathon, it’s important to do cross-training as well. That’s when you exercise in ways other than just running. I like to incorporate all sorts of activities into my routine! Biking, swimming, yoga, lifting, etc. 

In the evening, one of my best friends, Mikey went with me to a Hatha Yoga class! It was incredibly relaxing, and my hip also felt better.

Day 3: I saw my doctor about my hip, and she sent me in to get X-rays. It’s been feeling sore, and I think it’s because of the cold weather, and the fact that I’ve been so inactive until recently.

So, today I rested.

Day 4: I got my X-ray results back today. Apparently I have early on-set arthritis. As an athletic and active 25 year-old, this news was fairly shocking to me. I’m not really sure what to do, or how to think. I feel like I’m broken, and fragile, and now that mentality has put me in a slump.

So I took another rest day to wallow in self-pity. I know it could be worse, but I still needed time to just be sad. Whenever I get bad news, I give myself a couple hours to think, and have my feelings. I cried to my boyfriend, Dave, and my Mom. I texted my mentor who has rheumatoid arthritis (which I thankfully don’t have), and I spoke with my close friend, Miriam, who is in nursing school, who advised me to get a 2nd opinion. I just have a lot to think about. All I know is that I have some research to do. Does anybody have any tips they can share about how to deal with arthritis, and still remain heavily active? I’ve been told by my doctor that I can still half-marathon train, and that it’s encouraged to work out, as long as it doesn’t hurt.I think what scares me most though is, “what if low-impact exercising begins to hurt? Will I have to stop working out all together?”

*There will be more about this in a later post*

Day 5: I signed up for Bikram Yoga through a really awesome Living Social deal. I am taking 10 classes, and my mom bought me a heated blanket. Yoga is about to become a big part of my work-out routine, and I’m excited to add it to my training plan.I think everybody should invest in a yoga mat!

Yoga Mats, blankets, and blocks are the way to go!


Target has yoga mats as low as $9.89 right now! You never know when you might decide to give yoga a try! You may just fall in love with it like I did!


Day 6:  Wallowing in self-pity is OVER!!!!!

I was able to sneak to the gym today before I had to go baby-sit. I ran 3 miles, and did my hip work outs! I’m feeling very good about myself, and what my body is capable of!

Dave and I are also going to try “Laughter Yoga” this weekend, so I can’t wait to update you all about what that entails next week!

Next Week’s Goals: Attempt to schedule in yoga classes 2-3x a week, and learn to adjust my diet.


The Road to Nashville (A Runner’s Diary)

It’s that time of the year again! As some of you may or may not know, about 2 years ago, I got really serious about my health, and became enamoured with running. Since that time I have run about 20+ races, including 2 half marathons!

Posing with one of my best friends, and “sole-mates” after completing the “Baltimore Half-Marathon”. Behind these smiles, are legs that no longer have the ability to walk!


This spring, I will be attempting my 3RD Half-Marathon in Nashville , TN. The Nashville Rock N Roll Half Marathon is a part of the Rock N Roll Marathon Series, and is well-known for being an incredibly fun and entertaining race!

This race is particularly special because I will be running it with a few of my awesome sorority sisters!

The only downside, I am in a HUGE runner’s slump. I haven’t raced since November, and I haven’t gone on a solid run over a mile since early December. I’ve decided to write weekly blog posts leading up to the race day to hold myself accountable, and to track my running progress. And so begins….The Runner’s Diary.

For training, I will be using Hal Higdon’s Half Marathon Training Guide, as I did for my first 2 half marathons. It’s perfect for beginners, and includes running days, as well as weight lifiting, and rest days! I have the app on my phone, and I get daily reminders and tips for my training! In addition, I will also be using Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Workout for weight training on days that I am not running. I also joined Golds Gym (highly recommended) and I can’t wait to take advantage of the facility!

From experience, I know that there will be missed days due to lack of motivation, skipped work outs, and with the weather the way it is in the DC/MD/VA area, I know that the snow will make it difficult from time to time. However, my hope is that I can break this running slump, and hit a new PR in April!

Follow my race progress, and who knows? Maybe you’ll be motivated to get out and run a half marathon too!



This week is the hardest week! It’s the week you have to pull yourself up off the couch, and really push yourself to get moving.

Day 1 I attempted Day 1 of the BBW, and could only make it through Circuit 1 once. I’m way more out of shape than I thought! I have also gained 8 lbs, so I really need to get back on track! Today I logged a comfortable 1 mile run.

Day 2 I’ve never been so sore in all my life. I rested today! I’ve also started adding more fruit to my diet, and caffeine is no longer a part of my diet.

Day 3: Despite how sore I still am, I made it to the gym for abs and arms day. I accidentally stumbled into a random fitness class called “Pound”, which is a drumb based work-out class! In Pound, you exercise by hitting drum sticks on the ground, in the air, all while working out your arms, back, abs, and legs. It was super fun, and a great paced class considering how much I was STILL hurting!

Day 4: I still haven’t been able to get any of my runs in! I went on a short run with one of my high school girls that I coach, and did some lacrosse in the evening. Doesn’t seem like much, but it beats sitting on the couch and doing nothing! Plus I’ve already lost 2 lbs.

Day 5: I coached basketball and lacrosse tonight; so I got in some running, but yet again, I had zero time for the gym. Uh Oh,  this could become an issue in the future. I didn’t have the healthiest of dinners tonight, because I was having a rough day, and needed some comfort food. This happens, and it’s okay, as long as I don’t make a habit of doing it all the time.

Day 6: Heading to the gym today! I am going for a 3-mile run, and attending a Zumba class with my neighbor/gym buddy/fellow teacher extrodinnaire! Having a gym buddy is always excellent motivation to get my ass to the gym! She holds me accountable, and I love getting to catch up with her!


Goals for the end of next week: My hope is that I can make it through Circuits 1 and 2 (twice each) and circuits 3 and 4 (twice each) by next weekend. 


6 Signs You Look Super Young For Your Age

The never ending battle. Middle schoolers try to fight it by dressing years beyond their age, high schoolers attempt to defy it by amaturely caking on as much make up as possible, and eventually by college you just let it consume you. But for us 20-somethings, who are trying to make it as adults in a professional world, it’s just a pain in the ass…

old baby

Now everybody in their 20’s looks generally young for their age. It’s a great time frame where you, “could be 19, could be 29“, and everybody is on some-what of an even playing field. However, this pertains to the truly young looking. Not the “Oh I thought you were 21″…I’m talking the, “Oh, I thought you were 15”. I present to you:


6 Signs You Look Super Young For Your Age:

#1 Oh, What grade are you in?

Most young looking 20 somethings will usually hear, “Oh what school do you attend?” As in college. As in, the person speaking to you thinks you’re of legal age. You may be 28, but hell, you look 21. What a wonderful feeling! How can I whine about something like that?! Because… for us super young looking 20 somethings, the key word is grade. As in, 1st-12th grade. The question isn’t flattering by any means…for god’s sake their question implies that we still ride a bus to school every morning!

#2 How can you blame people for thinking you’re young? Look how you dress.

*Insert slow blink* So even though I am walking out of Total Wine with my arms full of alcohol, heading towards my car that I drive, with the bumper sticker (insert college) alumni, I COULDN’T POSSIBLY BE AN ADULT, because LOOK…I have on Nike shorts, and a T-shirt! Note to self: Make sure to do all your errands in professional business-like attire always. That way, there will never be any confusion!

#3 Is there an adult around?

Bitch, I am the adult. I got years of college debt, a credit card statement, and a drinking problem to prove it. What do you need? (This mistake can only be made worse when you are around a group of children or teens. Do…do…do you really think I’m one of them!?!?)

#4 You are so cute

Man or Woman, I don’t care. WE ARE ADULTS! We don’t want to be called cute past the age of 16 years old (I’m actually pretty sure most guys don’t ever want to be called cute). There are other adjectives out there! Pick up a damn thesaurus!

#5 The bouncer who spends a littleeee too much time on your ID.

Yes, I know, crazy isn’t it? Yes, I have a 2nd form of ID. *insert some joke from the bouncer about going out on a school night* Good one sir! I’ve never heard that one before *fake laughs* ENOUGH! JUST LET ME IN THE DAMN BAR!

#6 You’ll be so grateful to look so young when you’re in your 40’s, so quit complaining.

 If I have to listen to you in your 40’s complain about how old you look, then you have to listen to me complaining about how young I look in my 20’s. It’s a fair deal.


I could go on and on! As a teacher, I constantly get confused for one of my students…and I work at a Catholic school…where my students wear uniforms. So, to all my super young looking friends out there, I know it sucks, we didn’t ask for this! But what can we do? It’s out of our control…Just know that there are others that share your pain!

Let the countdown to age 40 begin…..


Diagnosis: Wanderlust (10 Travel Tips)

“It’s easy to get addicted to familiarity, just don’t forget to spend some time wandering in the unknown”.

Beach in Tela, Honduras.

Lately, people have been asking me for advice on traveling, so I decided to write this blog post to help answer the most common questions I get about traveling!

Whether you want to travel for leisure, volunteer work, study abroad, or just to get away from the normal everyday, there is something to be taken from this post:

10) Where should I travel?

-That answer is something I cannot give you. Only you know where your heart wants to travel. Have you dreamt of laying on the beaches of Thailand? Or hiking the Inca Bridge in Peru? Do you yearn for the experience of sipping wine underneath the Eiffel Tower? Or salsa dancing in Barcelona? Perhaps you’re more into the idea of shopping in downtown London? Or maybe you’ve always wanted to see the Northern Lights in Iceland? Either way, the first question to ask YOURSELF is “Where do I want to go?” From there, you can begin planning. Maybe cost, or language, or time is a factor; but the first step is picking a place to travel to.

Big Ben in London, England.


9) What if I don’t speak the language?

-That should NEVER hold you back. Part of traveling is experiencing a new culture, language included. However, I know that some people do not always enjoy a language barrier when they travel. If you are one of those people, you are in luck, as English is a language heavily spoken around the world. The farther you wander from touristy locations though, the less English speakers you may find. On the other hand, if you are looking to improve on a language, immersion through traveling is one of the best possible ways to learn that language. The longer you stay in a country, the better assimilated you will become to their language and culture!

Practicing my French in Paris, France.


8) Where do you find the time to travel?

-I won’t lie, it is a little easier for me to travel as I am a teacher. I get Thanksgiving, winter, and spring breaks. I also get a couple weeks in the summer to myself (despite popular belief, I do NOT get a “summer vacation”, but that is for another blog post, on another day). However, for those who aren’t fortunate enough to receive sporadic breaks through out the year, I can recommend a few options:


#1 Save up those vacation/sick days! Instead of laying in bed, debating whether or not you should call out of work because you don’t feel like getting up, consider it a day lost you could’ve spent traveling. If that doesn’t get your butt to work, I don’t know what will.


#2 If you have a job in the medical field, or teaching, nannying, or building, there are tons of work abroad options that would allow you to travel AND work.


#3 Step away, and take time off from your job/school. The formidable “gap year” if you will. This is a significant amount of time that you have in between jobs, school, or what have you. You can backpack through South America, couch surf through Europe, or work your way through Asia. A few friends of mine that have taken this route, and have enjoyed their time immensely. Some of them have adjusted well returning back home, while others have had trouble getting back into the swing of day to day schedules such as school, while some only lasted a few months home, before leaving their jobs, and returning back to their travels. It all depends on what your future goals are, and the kind of person you are.


7) How much money should I bring with me on my travels?

-This will depend on where you travel. You would want to bring more money to Europe, than you would to South America. You also need to check currency exchange rates before traveling. Wherever you travel, there is always a risk of pick-pocketing, and you should keep money close, safe, and use only trusted ATM’s if you plan to withdrawl money from your account while abroad. I also HIGHLY reccomend alerting your bank anytime you plan to leave the country. This will clear up any confusion when your bank suddenly sees that your card is being used in a country that you don’t live in. While I was in Peru, a friend of mine got her card blocked while she was traveling, and it took 3 days, and a lot of phone calls to clean up that mess. However, depending how much you want to do, and where you go, will determine how much you should bring. If you’re a shopper, plan accordingly! If you like to dine out, check prices of local restaurants! If you want to do excursions, make sure you budget appropriately!


A night out dancing in Barcelona, Spain.


Wine and baguettes in Paris, France.

6) Is there WiFi abroad?

-This may seem like a silly question, but when you are traveling abroad, your phone is your main source of contact to reach home, and your loved ones. I personally feel happier when I know that I have way to contact my mom and boyfriend when I am traveling. Again, there are options for communication:

#1 International plan: A more expensive, but reliable option to having WiFi, and data when traveling abroad.


#2 Pre-paid phone or SIM card: If you have an unlocked phone, you can buy a SIM card from whatever the country you’re visiting uses as a phone provider. You stick the SIM card into your phone, and BOOM! You can also purchase a pre-paid phone when you arrive in another country as well, and use that while you are traveling.


#3 Basic WiFi: You can just hook your phone up to WiFi whenever you can find it. Most hotels, hostels, restaurants etc will have Wifi. You are sort of a prisoner to using WiFi whenever if it available, but then again, you don’t want to have your nose burried in your phone during your entire trip anyway.


5) How can I volunteer abroad?

-This is probably one of my favorite questions to be asked! First off, you won’t regret spending your time traveling by volunteering. It is incredibly gratifying, and a great way to become emmersed into a new culture. My best recommendations to avoid that plaguing “voluntourism” are simple:

#1 Fundraise: I recommend A LOT of pre-traveling fundraising. Even if you can’t stay for long, your funds will go a long way in helping the people that you are volunteering with. I was only able to volunteer in Peru for a week on a Holiday Project with the orphanage down there, but I also fundraised about $1,000 before I left. My money played a huge role in supplying medications to the orphans who were in dire need of it.


#2 Work hard: I’ve met some of the hardest working volunteers on my various volunteer trips, and I’ve also met some of the laziest people. Make sure that if you volunteer, you are in it for the right reasons. In Honduras, I worked for hours in 90 degree weather, mixing cement, and plastering walls. I heard ZERO complaints. In Peru, I was indoors for a couple hours painting walls in a room, and I heard a volunteer say, “Wow, I’m exhausted”. My thoughts Are you really?” Is this really such hard work that you’re exhausted? Any and all work that you do for others should be valued, taken seriously, and done to your best ability. Compaints are unwelcome, and come off as annoying. If you don’t enjoy volunteering, than travel for leisure. Because for the most part, people that volunteer when they travel, WANT to volunteer, and want to be around others that share their sentiments.


#3 Care about the people: I was lucky enough to be working with an incredibly caring group of volunteers on my trip to Peru. But I also heard some uncomfortable stories about volunteers the week before I arrived that cared more about taking “selfies” while sprawled acrosse the Christmas presents for the orphans, than actually handing out the presents to the children. The children are not there for your photo ops, and neither are their living conditions. Some children LOVE having their pictures taken, and that’s OKAY! They will give you a big smile, probably hug you, and then want to scroll through your phone. But if you find yourself chasing the kids around for a picture, chance are, they don’t want to be in your picture. Leave them alone.


At the end of a long day mixing cement.
The foundation for a middle school in El Progreso, Honduras.

I HIGHLY recommend volunteering through my personal favorite volunteer organization: IVHQ (They are located in Australia, but will hook you up with whatever partner organization they have in the country you want to travel to)!

For South/Central America: Maximo Nivel

Honduras: Students Helping Honduras

4) How do you book all your excursions?

-This will again, depend on where you are traveling. You can book any and all excursions before you travel to another country; or to save money, you can book once you arrive in country. I like to book ahead for peace of mind, mostly because I don’t know what to expect in countries I haven’t visited. If you go with a volunteer organization, or a travel group, sometimes excursions will be included, or there will be partner organizations that can help you get set up with some adventures abroad! Students Helping Honduras takes all their volunteers to a club and the beach at the end of the volunteer week! IVHQ offers tons of partnerships, and one of them will be very helpful in helping you find and book excursions. Other travel groups like EF College Break has built in excursions, and offers others for an additional fee! No matter where you go, you can find affordable excursions!


Whitewater Rafting on the Urubamba River in Cusco, Peru.


Bike tour in Barcelona, Spain.


3) Should I travel alone? With friends?

-Either way works! I have traveled alone, and I have traveled with friends. Each one has its own benefit. I have traveled alot over the past couple of years, and I STILL get super nervous about making friends when I travel.

#1 Alone: Traveling alone offers you more time to yourself to do the things that you want to do. I traveled a lone to Honduras and Peru, and I never once felt tied down to do something I wasn’t interested in doing. In Peru, I made good friends on the first day, and when I wanted to spend time with the group, I could, and when I wanted to go do my own thing, I could do that too. I had a great roommate, the BEST housemates, and my volunteer group was wonderful! I really got the chance to meet a lot of very cool people.


#2 With A Friend: Traveling with a friend is a lot of fun! I traveled with a good friend when I went to Europe, and it was a great decision! I had a friend to hang out with for the long flights, and I felt more comfortable approaching people and talking to them, knowing that my friend was by my side. When traveling with a friend though, I urge you to think about the kind of friend you are traveling with. The friend I traveled with was an independent person, like myself, and while we roomed together, and did a lot of excursions together, we also branched out, made other friends, and didn’t feel the need to spend every second together on that trip. We learned that we traveled really well together, and I would ABSOLUTELY travel with this friend again in a heartbeat! I’ve seen people that travel with their significant others, and those are the people that tend to stay glued to each other.

These are all thigngs to take into consideration when traveling abroad. I can reccomend a travel group company that I traveled to Europe with:

EF College Break

EF College Break is set up like an itinerary. While that kind of structure appeals to some people, it doesn’t always appeal to everybody. The upside is, you don’t have to attend everything that is scheduled. You can pick and choose the excursions, tours, and outings you want to be a part of. You meet very cool people from all around, and I the tour guides on your trip become like your “big brothers” and “big sisters” abroad. I felt very safe, taken care of, and their helpful hints and tips for the countries you visit are invaluable. Everything is taken care of, and FLIGHTS ARE INCLUDED in your cost. I find EF College Break to be affordable AND fun! I am highly considering Costa Rica with EF College Break for my Spring Break next year!

zoo bar
Pub Crawl with new friends in London, England.



2) Where should I stay?

-This again will depend on how you decide to travel. Volunteer trips will have you in local homestays, or volunteer housing, while travel groups like EF College Break will have all your hotels set up before you arrive. If you chose to do independent traveling, then I recommend you take advantageof the hostels! The hostels are REALLY fantastic, and you get to meet fellow travelers, and room with some new faces! The hostels will also have deals on travel adventures, and excursions that you can explore while you’re visiting. In Peru, the hostles were where everybody would go to party and socialize. In Europe, the hostel bar in Barcelona was where everybody would meet up to pre-game before going out to the clubs. It is just a really great atmosphere that sort of forces you past your comfort zone (in a good way)!


1) How do you save up money for all your traveling?

-This is one of the most common questions I get. Personally, I have a separate bank account for traveling, and I deposit a little bit of my paycheck into it each pay period. after a few months, I have a pretty sturdy spending limit. In addition, I have a Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card. I use it to save up points that I can then use for traveling. It is one of the better credit cards recommended for travelers. (Please, hit me up if you want a referral).

If money is an issue for you, perhaps that 3 week luxury vacation to Europe isn’t in the cards for you right now. But that certainly doesn’t mean you CAN’T travel. There are tons of budget friendly countries where the American dollar can go a LONG way.

Honduras, where a meal costs anywhere between $3-$5 a day.

In Peru, I could easily get a meal for around under $8. The most expensive meal I had was a really nice meal at a fancy restaurant for aboutttt $25, and that was simply because I was treating myself for the week.


Countries that are cheap to travel to, and cheap to stay in:







El Salvador






For more details check out: Budget Friendly Traveling

The list goes on and on…The shopping is cheaper, the excursions are cheaper, and you still get to explore these beautiful countries you never realized were so memserizing until you got there!



In our 20’s, we have more freedom, and more of a desire to explore the world around us. I haven’t felt more curious about life and the world around me since I was a child. I didn’t have the money in high school, I didn’t have the time in college, and now that I am post-grad, I feel that there are no excuses holding me back. If you feel similarily, I urge you to consider traveling. Whether it’s volunteer, leisure, family filled, a couples vacation, or whatever, the time to travel is NOW!


Cusco, Peru






Top 10 Things to Do in Cusco, Peru

As some of you may know, I just spent the better part of my Winter Break down in Cusco, Peru volunteering with International Volunteer Headquarters and their partner organization (in South and Central America) Maximo Nivel. It was an amazing trip, and I never imagined that I would meet so many great people, experience so many new things, and leave Peru feeling like I had made an actual contribution. Here are the top 10 highlights of my trip, and things I think you MUST try if you are planning a trip to Peru (Cusco):



Welcome to CUSCO

10) Volunteer!

On my personal list, it’s pretty high up there, but for the sake of “Top 10 Things to Do in Peru”, it’s #10 on my list. Whether you donate, fundraise, or give some of your time to a cause, volunteering is a great way to get to know the people and see a different side of any place you go. I was so thankful to be able to meet the wonderful children, and community of Peru that volunteers every day. Volunteering was also a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends, and it gave me the chance to live in a local homestay, and become quickly integrated into the community of Cusco. I hope to volunteer in many more countries as I continue to travel.



9) Enjoy the nightlife!

There’s no reason to not to! Everything in Peru is so much cheaper than it is in the US. Drinks are strong, so your night out won’t break the bank; and with the average taxi ride costing anywhere between $1.50-$3.00, you can enjoy the night guilt free, and with a happy wallet!



8) Pisco, mas pisco!

Pisco is a Peruvian high-proof spirit made from grapes. There is even a Pisco Museum right in the Plaza de Armas in the heart of Cusco. It’s less of a museum and more of a bar, but while you’re there, you can sample, buy, and drink pisco to your hearts content! Pisco Sour is a popular drink that origninated in Lima, and is made from egg white, lime juice, syrup, and bitters. It sounds questionable, but it’s AMAZING.

Pisco Sour “Passion Fruit”


6) Shopping!

Oh, you knew it was coming! With the current (as of January 2016) exchange rate of 1 Peruvian Nuevo Sol (or soles) being equal to 29 cents in America, one can get some major bang for their buck while shopping in Peru. I ended up coming home with a new bag…filled with souveniors. The merchants will also often haggle with you, which is both nerve-wracking, and satisfying!

So many beautiful colors!


5) Horseback riding in the mountains!

I had such an incredible experience riding in the mountains of Cusco with my horse, and my travel guide, Edwin, was entertaining, and knowledgable. He even let me run around and jump over things with my horse, which is something I don’t think would go over well in the USA.


My horse, “Mil Amores” was anti-social


4) Hiking to Cristo Blanco and the Fortress of Saksaywaman!

There are two entrances. The one where you can pay 70 soles to enter at the Fortress…or the backdoor entrance where you can sneak through a field and climb up from behind “Cristo Blanco” for free. The choice is yours! You can guess which entrance my travel friends and I took…

The glorious Cristo Blano
Fortress of Saksaywaman
Crazy view of Cusco behind me!


3) Whitewater rafting in the Urubamba River, of the Sacred Valley!

In fact, the Sacred Valley as a whole is an absolute must. My time was limited, so I had to pick and choose what parts of the Sacred Valley I would have time to visit, and I chose the Urubamba River. If you have time, you should explore other parts of the Sacred Valley including, Ollantaytambo and Pisac.



I also went ziplining!

2) Try new food!

Peruvian food is everything that is right in the world. There are so many flavors, colors, and smells that come out of a kitchen in Peru. Some of their more better known and more daring dishes include:

-Cuy (aka guinea pig)


-Ceviche (raw fish in a citrus juice)

I personally am not a fan of spicy foods, but was willing to try new things that were cooked for me at my homestay. The point is to TRY new things, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to FINISH them. 


1) Do I even need to say it? Machu Picchu.

Not only is this incredible Incan masterpiece one of the 7 Wonders of the World, the surrounding area of Aguas Calientes is an experience in itself. If you’re lucky, you can even grab a selfie with an alpaca! You can walk through the incredible structure, or hike around to the Sun Gate (about a 3 hour hike) or the Inca Bridge (1.5 hour hike). Several tours in Cusco offer options ranging from short day trips, to the full experience 5 day hiking trips. For time’s sake, I did the day trip, but if I had been given another choice, I would’ve gone on the 3-day Inca Trail trip which included more hiking, and extra excursions! There’s definitely a preference for everyone!




After thoughts…..

If you are planning a trip to Cusco, Peru (without the volunteer experience) I recommend staying at one of the super cool hostels in the city. A lot of them are huge party spots, and you can mingle and meet different travelers from all around! If I hadn’t stayed with my awesome host family, I definitely would’ve booked a couple nights in a hostel.

I also recommend trying different excursions while you’re visiting! You can book ahead with somebody before you arrive in Peru (I highly recommend Worldwide Exotic Adventures, although they tend to be a bit on the pricy side). You can certainly find cheaper programs once you arrive in Cusco, but if you are anything like I am, and you’re a planner, this is a great copmany to go with! In hindsight, I probably paid more for my excursions, but I also had no idea what to expect; so really, I was paying for peace of mind, and a stress-free week of fun!  If I were to do everything over again, I would have still booked horsebackriding and whitewater rafting with Worldwide Exotic Adventures, but I would have researched to get a better deal on my Machu Picchu trip.

All in all, my trip was a HUGE success! I loved getting to work on my Spanish, experience new adventures, and travel to a new country! Thank you Peru for the trip of a lifetime!







An Open Letter to My Friend with Anxiety/Depression

Dear Friend with Anxiety/Depression,

As you know, I do not have Anxiety or Depression. I don’t fully understand what it’s like to constantly alternate between feeling stuck in the past and worrying about the future.

I have had my fair share of stress and anxiety, but not to the point that it consumes my everyday life. I am a naturally energetic and happy person (Thank you ADHD), and I rarely allow negative experiences to bring me down. I get “the blues” every now and then, but not to the extent that you experience them. The following is a list of apologies, thank-yous, and a few words that I think you should hear.



I’m Sorry:

-That I get frustrated with you. It’s hard for me to understand you sometimes, because I don’t feel the way you do. But then I think, if it’s this frustrating for me, imagine how frustrating it must be for you.

-That I sometimes ignore your calls and texts. I want to be there for you, but sometimes it can be very stressful. I know it’s not your fault, and that you are worried about bothering me. I will never tell you that you annoy me, because you don’t; but I will take a step back if I am feeling overwhelmed.

-That I can be insensitive at times. What I view as tough love can often be seen as insensitivity. I am not a coddler, and I never have been. There are days that I will respect your choice to just lay in bed, because I know that you need that time to yourself. THEN there are the days that I will come over, rip the covers off, and demand that we go do something productive. Please know that it’s not out of anger. I really do care about your happiness and your health.

Thank You:

-For teaching me patience. There have been times in our friendship where I would say uncaring things because I would get impatient with you. Or I would get angry about you canceling plans, or annoyed because I felt like it was always the same complaints and excuses. But over time I learned more about what you are going through, and I developed patience.

-For reassuring me that I am helping you. I often feel like when I am calming you down that my advice goes in one ear, and out the other. When you tell me that I am helping, it lets me know what works, and what doesn’t.  I want to help, I really do. Please continue to let me know when I am helping, and when I am hurting, so I can keep that in my mind for future reference.

-For being there for me. Our friendship is in no way a one-way friendship. I have bad days too, and when I call you in tears, or I’m freaking out about something you are right there to calm me down. You understand more than anybody else about my anxieties, and you always know exactly what to say to me. Thank you for being such a wonderful soul.

But know this:

-I am always here for you. Maybe not always at the exact moment you need me, but I’ll be there for the devestating days when you are truly struggling.

-I will never stop caring about YOU. I don’t care if it’s the same problem or same fears or worries, I will talk you through it all the same. However, please heed my advice. If you ask for my advice and ignore it, I will feel embittered.

-Don’t ever think that you can “annoy away our frienship”. I will let you know when I need to take a step back. It doesn’t mean that YOU are annoying me, it just means that I too have things I need to focus on, and unless your concerns demand immediate attention, I can’t always address them. I know you understand that, and I know you can’t help but feel the way you do. Just keep reminding yourself that if I didn’t want to be your friend, I would’ve walked away a long time ago. (*knock knock* STILL HERE).

-You deserve to be happy. Don’t think for a second that you don’t deserve happiness and love.

-You have told me that you are used to not being happy and that you have learned to accept it…I want you to know that it breaks my heart. Your validation and worth should come from you and nobody else. NOBODY. Not me, not your parents, not our other friends, and certainly not some boy. It should come from YOU. When you discover the things you love in life, happiness will follow.


 I hope you find your inner light soon. In the meantime, I want you to know that I love you, and that I believe in you.


Your Friend Who is Trying to Understand

Dead and Co. Concert (Recap)

Last night was the Grateful Dead (Dead and Company) Concert at the Verizon Center in DC.

My boy Dave is a HUGE Grateful Dead fan. And although he wasn’t around to see THE GRATEFUL DEAD (Rip Jerry), he appreciates the culture, the music, and the artistry behind the Grateful Dead on a level that is beyond his years.

So it was no question that he bought two tickets as soon as ticket sales opened up, and asked me to be his plus one!

Grateful Dead
Official Dead & Co. screen print for the Concert. Dave loves collecting artwork from the concerts he attends, and last night’s concert was no exception! Artwork By: AJ Masthay

Set 1:

A super blues-y and mellow first set. It really got everybody dancing, and feeling good. It was great to see Dave so elated, as he was able to name each song as the band segued to the next one. The lighting was my favorite visual, and the deep blues and purples realy fit the vibe of the music. I was absolutely hypnotized by the drummers (Micky Hart and Bill Kreutzmann). I was so focused on them, that I noticed Bill Kreutzmann drop his mallet part way through the first set. I gasped, and without missing a beat, he acquired an extra mallet, and he left his fallen one on the ground for the rest of the set. It was insignificant and unnoticable to many, but to me, it really put his years as a professional musician into perspective for me.

“no biggie, I just dropped my mallet part-way through a song in front of thousands and thousands of people…”

I would’ve freaked out. He was flawless.  Anyway the first set included:

Set List acquired from: Dead & Co. Set List 11/6/15

Set 1:

  1. Truckin’
  2. Big Boss Man
  3. Brown Eyed Women
    (John Mayer sang vocals, and it was a solid performance. I honestly didn’t know what to expect from him. I don’t listen to John Mayer, but he has incredible talent).
  4. West L.A. Fadeaway (John Mayer turned and faced our section at this point, and all the girls, myself included, went apeshit. All the guys were like, “what happened?! what happened?!” JOHN MAYER! Dave was amused by my reaction. I don’t even listen to John Mayer, but when John Mayer turns to your section and smiles, YOU SQUEAL LIKE A TEENAGER DAMMIT).
  5. Loser
  6. Lost Sailor
  7. Saint of Circumstance

WOW. It was such a feel good first set. Dave held me excitedly, letting me know that the 2nd set was going to “melt my face off”.

Set 2:

A far more upbeat set, with high energy dancing, insane solos (drums), and an Encore that left you dazed. I was much more familiar with the songs from the 2nd set, and was thrilled that mine and Dave’s “song” was included on the set-list. It was a very special moment for us.

Set 2:

  1. Bertha (*Sappy sidenote* Dave’s first car was named Bertha, and also the place where we shared our first kiss. So with the 2nd set starting with Bertha, we knew we were in for a good time).
  1. Eyes of the World
  2. Scarlet Begonias (Mine and Dave’s song. I won’t bore you with details, but the second I heard the familiar notes that began our song, we embraced. I would also like to mention that Dave had texted me the day before saying, “I’m not a betting man, but if I was, I’d bet we’re going to be getting a “Scarlet Fire” tomorrow night).
  3. Fire on The Mountain (Just as Dave predicted).
  4. Drums (WOW. WOW. WOW)
  5. Space
  6. The Wheel
  7. Looks Like Rain (I made a joke: “Looks Like Drain”. But Bob Weir came on for vocals and I screamed).
  8. In the Midnight Hour


  1. Touch of Grey (Perfection)

All in all, I’d have to say that this was one amazing concert. I am new to the Grateful Dead scene, so if you want a “Dead Head Review” of this concert, you’ll have to go elsewhere. But from the perspective of a person who loves good music, and is always down to listen to new artists, this is it! John Mayer was such a delightful surprise! I could hear that there were things he could do with his voice that JG didn’t do (or couldn’t?) but he brought his style of singing into the group, and it really wasn’t bad. I think I’ll download a couple of his songs from Itunes, and give him a decent listen-to.

My review is based on a number of things. The music, the fans, the atmosphere, and my current company. Dave is my favorite person to go to concerts with. He has completely changed my outlook on music. He’s about the artistry in the music, which is something that I think has been lost in the age of “auto-tune” and “pop culture”. It’s nice to be able to go to concerts like these with somebody who truly loves the jam music scene. I look forward to my next concert with Dave, and hope you all enjoy my recap of the Dead and Co. Concert!